At one point or another, almost everyone will have some sort of financial issues that they have to deal with. But while most people’s money problems will only go to the extent of not being able to afford all the things they want, some people have to choose between paying for the things they need. So when you only have enough money to pay for a handful of your essentials, how should you respond? To help you figure out this challenging situation, here are three things to do when you’re having trouble paying your rent.
Know Who You Should Talk To
Once you’ve come to the conclusion that you won’t be able to pay your rent in full at the time that it’s due, you should immediately open up a conversation with those who you pay your rent to. According to Ron Leshnower, a contributor to The Spruce, the person you’ll actually want to talk to will vary depending on how you usually pay your rent each month. If you’re sub-letting, you’ll want to talk to whoever’s name is on the lease. If you work directly with a property manager or property management company, you’ll want to contact them rather than speaking to the landlord directly. Generally, though, whoever is responsible for making any type of loan payment on the property is the one you’ll want to speak to about your inability to pay your rent on time.
Attempt To Negotiate
Just because you can’t pay your rent in full at the time it’s due doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t at least try to pay something to your landlord. According to Marcia Stewart, a contributor to, there are quite a few ways you can try to negotiate regarding your rent if you’re having trouble paying. Some things you might want to try could include asking for an extension of a few days, paying part now and part later on in the month, or accepting whatever fee is given for coming up with the rent late. Additionally, you should inform your landlord as to what you’re doing to ensure this doesn’t happen again and to get yourself on more firm financial ground for the future.
When You Should Move
If paying your rent is proving to be a consistent problem for you, you might want to consider moving to a place that’s going to be less expensive. By being proactive about finding a place that’s going to fit better within your price range, you can feel like you have more control over when you leave rather than being evicted from the property. According to Liz Weston, a contributor to, the only time you should stay in a property that you’re not able to meet the payments for is if you own the house, and this is only because the foreclosure process can take a while.
To help you make it through a tough financial time, here are three things you should do if you can’t afford your rent.