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3 Ways To Make A Move Smoother For Your Children

Moving is never easy. Uprooting your life in one area and moving it to a completely new place can be scary, stressful, expensive, and overwhelming. But since you’re an adult, you know how to handle your emotions and realize that most of the decisions about where and when to move fall to you. But for your kids, moving can be especially challenging. Even from a very young age, your children might take your move very hard. So to help make this transition a little easier on everyone involved, here are three ways to make a move go smoother for your children.

Let Them Know About The Move As Soon As You Can

According to Caroline Schaefer, a contributor to, the best thing you can do to help your kids through this move is to prepare them well in advance. The sooner you can let them know you’re moving, the more time they’ll have to process everything that’s happening and make some plans of their own to help themselves feel more prepared. Just remember that regardless of how you personally feel about the move, try to be positive whenever talking about the subject of moving to your kids. This will help them feel more positive about it rather than sulking or being sad or scared.

Make A Visit Or Learn About The Area Before You Move There

If at all possible, Dr. Jennifer Shroff Pendley, a contributor to, advises that you take your kids to visit the new home they’ll be moving into or the neighborhood or community you’ll soon be living in. For situations when you’re just moving a short distance, like you’re moving from a home in Mesa to a home in Scottsdale, Arizona, bringing your kids to where they’ll be moving before you actually move will be relatively easy. But if you’re moving from Arizona to Minnesota, you might simply want to learn more about the area together and so research about what it will be like to live there soon.  

Quickly Get Your Child Involved In Their New Community

Once you’ve moved into your new home, it’s important that you help your kids get off on the right foot. According to Scott Garner, a contributor to, one of the best things you can do for your kids when you move to a new place is to get them involved in their new community as soon as you can. Things like sports, clubs, school, and other activities can help your kids meet other children their age as well as make them feel like they have a place where they belong in this new community.

If you’ll soon be moving with your family and are concerned about how your kids will do, consider using the tips mentioned above to help make this whole process go much smoother.