5 Common Signs You Need a Couples Therapist

It is inevitable to have issues in your relationship as no one is perfect. But how you deal with it is what matters. Sometimes, you might require help from experts such as therapists, particularly when you are going through a crisis or preventing future problems. You can find an adult psychiatrist in Midtown East at Healthy Minds NYC to help you improve your relationships through couple’s therapy. But just like many people, you might not know when your problem is to the extent of needing help. Let these common signs signal you to seek a couple’s therapist.

You Feel You are Growing Apart

If you are not engaging with your partner after a long time of your relationship or marriage and are merely coexisting as roommates, things are really out of hand; any help would be better. If you feel you are dealing with avoidance or focusing on other things to fill your life, you should look for a couple therapist. He/she will help you deal with whatever the problem is and help you remember what brought you and your partner together in the first place.

Therapy can reignite the memories, narratives, and history you have made together and help you love again. Their words of wisdom can also help reignite the lost passion. Most therapists tend to understand that the lack of physical intimacy can be a symptom of bigger issues and can help you both get to the root of the problem. They will work with you to create a plan to address the underlying issues and to also help you both get back on track with your sex life. They can even suggest some interesting sex positions that can help you both in improving your relationship with each other.

Money is an Issue

Although it is common to disagree on finances, it can be a total disaster when it combines with other concerns that come later in life. As you age, you are confronted with potential health complications, lousy interest rates, and decreasing years of earning. This may cause clashes on spending, saving, retirement plans, and not forgetting stress from not having enough money. The main reason why most people argue and clash is because of the strong feelings such as envy, anger, and anxiety evoked by cash. But you can learn how to deal with money issues through couple’s therapy.


This is one of the main reasons why most people seek couple’s therapy. If someone has an extramarital affair, it breaches trust in the relationship. Having secrets that are sensitive to the association is also betrayal and can affect trust between couples. Sometimes, it can get to the point of no-return, and you may think that there is no way to salvage the relationship. If that is the case, and both of you feel that it is better to move on, then you might need to consider approaching lawyers from Russell Family Law or its likes, to help you figure out amicable ways of resolution. Otherwise, there are always other solutions to consider, and it is not uncommon for couple to face conflicts such as unfaithfulness. If either of these affects your family, the best way to deal with it is through a couple’s therapy. Besides, seeking counseling early before you go astray is better than facing the fallout if you are tempted.

You Have Unproductive Arguments

Everyone has their way of dealing with conflict. Maybe it’s confrontation, turning heel, or being passive-aggressive. An argument is healthy as no one is perfect and can help you build one another depending on how you handle it. But it can be unhealthy when it turns wrong and bears no fruits but makes things worse. If this often happens in your relationship, a couple’s counselling hawthorn, or wherever you are based can help.

A Big Change in Your Lives

Sometimes even if you are doing well in your relationship, a big transition can shake up the dynamics of your bonding. You might have different coping styles, which can cause friction. Anything can happen that can interfere with your plans ultimately. An illness can occur, retirement, or other issues that suddenly interfere with your life, and you will have to learn how to deal with the new normal. It is when you can turn to a couple’s therapy to get help with your transition.

All the issues affecting couples cannot be stated here as some are unique circumstances. If you feel your relationship or marriage is no longer enjoyable for whatever reason, please talk to the providers at Healthy Minds NYC to learn how you can benefit from couple’s therapy.

