Online shopping is easy because it helps you to shop various products in one place, compare costs (such as on sites like Price), and get your packages delivered right to your door without ever leaving your house. However, having a good deal online requires more than finding the best offer. You have to make sure that goods arrive on time, that the quality is as planned, that items come with a proper warranty, and that you can return items or get help with any questions or problems you have. Use these ideas to make your shopping experience more secure.
1. Use a stable connection
Your financial details and passwords are at risk if your device isn’t shielded from potentially malicious software (and everything else you store on your computer or do online). Even though this principle is so simple, only a small percentage of the US population adequately protects their devices. Make sure your computer’s firewall is turned on and use a secure link.
If you’re shopping online over a wireless network, make sure it’s encrypted so that anyone lurking outside the house can’t steal your data. When using a public network, avoid making any financial transactions because you never know if it has been hacked.
2. Seek out the Lock
It is advisable not to use your credit card to buy gifts online from a platform that does not have SSL (secure sockets layer) encryption enabled. If the site uses SSL, then the URL will begin with HTTPS rather than HTTP.
It depends on your browser, but an icon of a locked padlock will appear to the left of the URL in the address bar or the status bar down below. Even non-shopping websites now use HTTPS, and Google Chrome flags any page without the extra S as “not safe.” As a result, a site lacking it should stand out even more.
3. Don’t Share Too Much
No online retailer needs your Social Security number or birthday to conduct business. However, if robbers acquire them as well as your credit card number, they may cause a great deal of harm.
The more people knowing your details, the easier the scammers will steal your identity. Try to give away as little personal information as possible. Big websites are continuously being hacked.
4. Check statements regularly
Don’t wait until the end of the month to get your bill. View electronic statements for your credit card, debit card, and checking accounts regularly, particularly during the holiday season.
Look for any suspicious charges, even if they come from places like Paypal and Venmo.
5. Shopping in Public Should Be Avoided
Why not shop on your machine when you’re out and about? Sit in the back, with your back to the entrance. Use trusted places that have your credit card on file so you don’t have to take it out for anything more than a latte.
If you exercise caution and avoid the common risks associated with online shopping, you will have a pleasurable online shopping experience while benefiting from low prices and the opportunity to buy gifts online at your leisure.