5 Tips For Scrapbooking For Beginners

Scrapbooking is one of those activities that appear to be straightforward on the surface but is actually quite difficult when it comes to producing the most attractive and successful layouts.   It is one thing to just glue down some images and concert tickets on a page, but it is quite another to take it to the next level and genuinely transform your scrapbook into a masterpiece. In order to create a memory book that is both enjoyable to put together and visually appealing enough for future generations to enjoy, here are five essential things to keep in mind as you begin your project.

#1 Decide on a theme

It is important to plan ahead of time what you want to accomplish with your scrapbook, whether you want a theme for each page or a single subject for the entire scrapbook.   You may want to look through magazines for inspirational photos if you are building a goal-based scrapbook, but you will want to make sure that any random papers that you accumulate while traveling, for example, are saved if you are commemorating a recent vacation in your scrapbook. This will also guide you in choosing the most appropriate book and materials for your scrapbooking project.

#2 Be inspired

Every scrapbook will be unique to the creator’s own experience, but it does not mean you can not get some creative inspiration from other people. If you are not currently a member of Pinterest, you should consider joining. It is a creative paradise, and there is a repository of thousands upon thousands of scrapbook-related pins.

Before you begin working on your scrapbook, consider what style of scrapbook you are drawn to; this will undoubtedly assist you in making decisions about what supplies to purchase at an online craft store

#3 Plan before you start

As soon as you have made the decision to start scrapbooking, make a point of collecting ticket stubs, maps, photos, business cards, and other memorabilia anytime you find yourself in a circumstance that is worth capturing. This is yet another reason why it is critical to have a theme in mind when planning your scrapbook! Not only do you need to plan for the contents, but you also need to plan for the book itself. All of the decorations and embellishments that you will need to make it look great can be found in craft stores. 

#4 Make sure you have multiple copies of photos

Photos are some of the most important elements of any scrapbook, so you will want to make sure you have plenty of them ready to put in it. You will need to cut and paste your photos in order for them to fit into your scrapbook layout, so if they are ones that you can not get again, make sure you have multiple copies just in case!

#5 Have fun

The whole point of scrapbooking should be to not only preserve your memories but also to generate new and enjoyable ones! Stress and irritability will manifest themselves in the end output if you are putting together your book while feeling less than ideal.  If you are not enjoying it, stop, and go back to it another time when you are in the mood to enjoy it!

