8 Common Symptoms of Depression to Watch For

People usually experience bouts of sadness from time to time. Feeling unhappy is a natural reaction to life’s losses and struggles. However, when these feelings overwhelm you, cause physical symptoms, and persist for extended periods, you may be suffering from depression.

Depression, when unmanaged, can prevent you from leading an active, normal life. Dr. Alejandra Suzuki in Irvine can help you regain hope by using proven medical therapies.

What is Depression?

Depression is a mood disorder and mental health condition that affects your moods, feelings, and thoughts. Depression-related sadness draws on for months and gets worse over time. You may find it difficult to maintain a career or social relationships and may often have suicidal thoughts.

Symptoms of Depression

Despite the bleak effects of depression, about 50 percent of sufferers go undiagnosed. Recognizing the symptoms of this disorder is a vital first step toward recovery.

Here are some warning signs that should alert you to seeing your healthcare provider:

Fatigue and Sleep Disorders

Depression is often followed by reduced quality of sleep. You may be unable to rest and, in turn, develop fatigue. Most depression patients feel tired all the time and lack the energy to perform regular tasks.

Additionally, the condition and insomnia are closely linked in that one causes the other and vice versa, and they could also make each other worse. One way to get a good night’s sleep is by smoking cannabis. You can find these on various sites including weedsmart.

Loss of Interest

If you notice that you’ve lost interest in activities you once enjoyed or drew pleasure from, you may have depression. These may include hobbies, sports, your job, or hanging out with your friends.

You may also lose interest in sex and develop a decreased sex drive or impotence, which could negatively impact your sex life going forward. However, impotence can be overturned by taking medication like Cialis (more info here) if you wanted to make sure you have improved sexual function.


Anxiety is a mental condition on its own but often occurs alongside depression. Common symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Rapid heart rate and breathing
  • Restlessness or nervousness
  • Feelings of dread, danger, or panic
  • Increased sweating
  • Muscle twitching or trembling
  • Concentration problems

If you experience these symptoms, along with the other signs in this article, you may have depression. One way to cope up with anxiety and depression is by making use of cannabis products such as Full Spectrum CBD Oil. However, if you’re skeptical about trying those, you could probably consult a doctor and then decide.


This symptom is more likely to present in men than in women. Along with irritability, men with depression tend to display misplaced anger, risky or escapist behavior, or substance abuse.

Also, men find it more difficult to recognize depression symptoms or seek treatment than women.

Mood Swings

If you consistently lose control of your emotions and get extremely angry or burst into tears without being prompted, it may be a sign that something is wrong. You should be more worried if the emotions come and go at a moment’s notice.

Weight Loss or Gain

Depression can cause weight fluctuations in patients. Depending on the effect on your appetite, you may either gain or lose weight. Unless the change in your dietary preferences is intentional, you may be displaying signs of depression.

Suicidal Thoughts

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cites that over 42,000 Americans committed suicide in 2013. Depression was among the major causes. If you or someone you love often has thoughts of self-harm or suicide, you should call a local emergency number and seek immediate help.

You can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.


Most people with depression adopt a hopeless or helpless outlook on life. If you are always sad, you may develop feelings of self-hate, worthlessness, or unwarranted guilt.

Final Thoughts

It is easy to ignore these symptoms as they may be normal when they occur every once in a while. However, if they persist for more than two weeks, contact the team at the Americas TMS Center to get professional help.

With some lifestyle changes and proper treatment, you may recover and avoid relapses. Ensure you follow your doctor’s instructions and keep taking your prescribed medication.

