A Helpful List of Coffee Making Do’s and Don’ts

There are those that like coffee, those that love coffee, and those who simply can’t do without coffee on a daily basis. If you happen to fall into the latter category, chances are, getting your daily caffeine fix is expensive and even time-consuming on some days. That is particularly for those who believe the only way to get a good cup of joe is to spend $3-$5 at a nearby coffee shop. While you can’t deny the good stuff these major brands brew up, what most don’t realize is that making a delicious cup of coffee right at home only requires a few simple guidelines. 

Do Buy Fresh Coffee Beans

The best tasting coffee comes from hand-roasted coffee beans. One provider of such coffee beans can be hawaii coffee roasters. If not for these you can also go for other flavored coffees. What most consumers don’t realize is that coffee can start to lose its flavor over time. Those bags of coffee roasts that you find on the shelves at grocery stores have likely been sitting for weeks causing the grounds or beans to lose their potency and flavor. You want coffee beans to be potent enough to give you a coffee hangover! Therefore, you should look to purchase whole coffee beans and check the roast date. Coffee should be consumed within a few weeks to a month of that date.

Do Clean Your Coffee Making Device

Whether you use a Keurig or a Chemex to make your coffee each day, cleaning it after every use is a must. Though it may not appear to be dirty, during the brewing process the coffee beans express lots of oils that can stick to working parts in the pot. This can not only cause mechanical issues but can result in your new batch of coffee tasting a bit awkward. So, after reach use make sure you scrub your coffee making device along with all its working parts with mild soap and warm water. 

Do Use Filtered Water

Every ingredient you put in your coffee will have an impact on how well it tastes. This includes the water you use for brewing. Tap water may seem fine, but in reality, its taste is already altered by lime, rust, and chlorine. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you make your coffee with filtered water. There are a lot of affordable water filtration systems you can choose to get the best-tasting water possible. 

Don’t Reheat Your Coffee

The mornings are almost always busy. It’s not uncommon for someone to make a pot of coffee and then get distracted by other things going on. They come back to the pot later, make a cup, and use the microwave to reheat their hot beverage. The only problem is after coffee reaches a temperature lower than 175 degrees it loses some of its flavor. Reheating it does not help to restore the taste and it can also cause you to burn your coffee which only makes the taste worse. 

Don’t Just Roll Down the Coffee Bag

You’d think that the coffee you purchase would be good in the bags they come in from the store as long as you use it by the expiration date. The truth is, however, when coffee beans are exposed to oxygen, they immediately begin to lose their freshness and flavor. That means that rolling down the bag of coffee beans after each use isn’t sufficient storage. Instead, invest in quality containers with a tight seal that you can store in a dry dark space like your pantry or cabinet. 

Don’t Overdo It on Sugar, Syrups, and Creamers

Last, but not least, don’t overdo it when adding sugar, milk, syrups, or creamers to your coffee. Not only do they drown out the rich taste of the coffee beans, but they also reduce the health advantages of drinking coffee. These products are often filled with processed ingredients that aren’t great for consumption. Adding too much of these things also increases the calorie count which will have a negative impact on your weight. It’s okay to add your own twist on your coffee drinks, but be mindful of how much of each item you use. 

It’s amazing how a cup of coffee can brighten up your mood and give you the boost you need to make it through the day. You only reap these benefits, however, if you make your cup of coffee right. Though nothing is perfect, you can get pretty close to perfection by remembering these few key coffee making do’s and don’ts.

