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All You Need to Know About Cancer Pain

Cancer pain is a symptom that every cancer patient does not experience. If it is a malignant or recurrent cancer, then the chances of getting pain are higher. Cancer pain can be of different forms like dull, achy, sharp, or burning. 

It also includes constant, intermittent, mild, or severe. Moreover, the types of pain generally depend upon factors like which type of cancer a patient is having. Most of the pain is curable, and controlling them is the central part of the treatment. 

However, patients must know about the type of cancer, and specialists of cancer pain in Delray Beach help diagnose and provide treatment according to it. 

What causes cancer pain? 

Generally, cancer is a condition that causes pain itself. Pain will become more severe if it proliferates and destroys the neighboring tissue. If it continues to grow, it can compress the nerves, bones, and organs. Moreover, it releases certain chemicals which become the cause of pain. 

Treatment is the best option against cancer pain, and specific methods like surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy may help reduce the pain. 

How can cancer pain be treated?

Various treatment methods are effective against cancer pain. The treatment depends upon the cause of pain and how severe the pain is. Doctors usually prescribe a combination of drugs to provide relief. These methods include:

  1. Over-the-counter pain relievers: These drugs don’t require any prescription and are effective against mild or moderate levels of pain like aspirin and ibuprofen. 
  1. Medications derived from opium (opioids): These medications are helpful in severe pain like morphine. Certain short-acting and long-acting opioids are used, which are beneficial in their way. 
  1. Other medications: Drugs like antidepressants, anti-epilepsy, and steroids are used as prescribed drugs against pain.

What are the reasons a patient does not receive proper treatment?

  1. The reluctance of patients to mention their pain: The patient is under fear like what if their cancer condition gets worse. Others are worried that doctors will consider them as complainers. 
  1. Fear of addiction to opioids: patients think they may get addicted to drugs used for advanced cancer treatment. Usually, their body develops tolerance against those drugs, and a higher dose is required to control the pain. These are prescribed medications, and addiction will not happen if a patient does not increase the dose on their own. 

These are the various causes and common fears a patient has for cancer pain. They should consider their doctor’s advice if the condition becomes severe.