Teeth misalignment is a common dental problem among both children and adults. Your orthodontist may recommend that you put on braces for a given time frame to straighten your teeth. However, after removing your braces, different factors such as jaw development and pressure from soft tissues may cause your teeth to move to their initial position. Towards the end of your orthodontic treatment process, your specialist may recommend using dental devices such as a retainer in Flushing to prevent your teeth from shifting into their old position. Getting retainers is the final step of the teeth straightening process. Below are the different types of retainers that your orthodontist at House of Braces may recommend.
Hawley retainer
This is a removable retainer made out of flexible wire and plastic. The wire is designed to pass across your front teeth while the acrylic or plastic fits inside your mouth. Your specialist may require you to wear the retainer for at least 16-18 hours every day. Advantages of Hawley retainers include:
- They are adjustable. Your specialist may regulate the tightness of the retainer into a more comfortable position.
- Custom-made and therefore available in different colors and designs.
- Long-lasting and easy to clean.
- They can be repaired.
The wires are easily noticeable on the downside, and the plastic palate may be uncomfortable to some patients. Heat may damage and distort the shape of the retainer. It is, therefore, necessary to remove Hawley retainers when you are having a hot drink.
Clear retainers
This type of retainer resembles Invisalign aligners and is made out of plastic. A lot of people prefer clear retainers since they are less noticeable compared to Hawley retainers. Besides being almost invisible, clear retainers are cheaper to replace and cover the surface of your teeth, therefore, preventing wear that results from grinding.
However, these retainers are challenging to clean since food particles and liquid may get trapped against your teeth. Clear retainers do not last for a long time, and you may need a replacement after approximately two years. Several measures may help extend the life-span of your retainers, including:
- Avoid pulling your retainers on one side. Instead, use two hands while removing them to prevent cracking.
- Regularly clean the retainers to get rid of food particles and prevent discoloration.
- Gently use your hands for support when cleaning the retainers
- Store them in a safe place out of reach of children and pets.
Permanent bonded retainer
This type of retainer is non-removable and is placed at the back of your teeth. Bonded retainers are very strong and securely hold your teeth in position. Adults and teenagers often prefer these retainers because other people may not notice them due to their positioning. It is also effective for children since they cannot remove or misplace the retainer. With proper maintenance, permanent bonded retainers can last up to 10 years. However, since these retainers cannot be removed, observing regular oral hygiene practices such as flossing your teeth may be difficult.
The cost ranges depending on the type of retainer you need. Book a session with your orthodontist at House of Braces to maintain your treatment results by getting retainers.