At some point, most of us face some sort of financial crisis. Even if you are relatively careful with your money and keep track of everything, you can still get into trouble and run out of cash. All it takes is for the car that you rely upon to get to work to suddenly stop […]
Category: Finance
Is Your Mortgage Interest Rate The best It Can Be?
We are all being asked to work at home as much as we can due to the coronavirus pandemic. We should look at our finances and ensure that our outgoings are as low as they possibly can be. I recently contacted my Mortgage Broker and asked that she checks the mortgage market to see if […]
Buying a home post-lockdown
With being surrounded in the same four walls relentlessly for the past 3 months, you may have given a bit of thought to your abode and whether you need a change of scenery. Whether buying your first home or moving to a new one, try to remember the tips for finding the best home suited […]
Easy Tips to Save Money on an Engagement Ring for the Couch Potato Shopper
Photo by Lukas from Pexels Buying an engagement ring is a big decision to make. You want to be able to get it right. To give your partner the perfect ring. But at the same time, you don’t want to spend your entire life’s savings on one piece of jewelry or have to go and […]
4 Ways to Deal With Money Stress
From the bad credit score that is ruining your chances of getting ahead to not having enough money to make it to the next payday, money stress can be a killer. In today’s uncertain economic times, it’s comforting for some to know they aren’t alone with their money worries. There are many things that cause […]
4 Investments You Can Consider To Build Your Family’s Financial Portfolio
If you are the head of a household, then you are probably in charge of your family’s financial portfolio and investments. It is a big responsibility and one that you should not take lightly. Whether you are active and choosing to buy sanlam shares or just put the money into your savings, as long as […]