Preimplantation genetic testing has been a controversial issue over the years. Still, one thing stands out; when women use the screening process, especially older women and those who have dealt with repeat miscarriages, they can rest assured of a better and successful pregnancy. While genetic abnormalities are the leading cause of failed implantations and miscarriages, it is only understandable that medical professionals look for a solution to minimize these unfortunate incidents. Luckily, with preimplantation genetic testing in Newport Beach, women get a screening of embryos in advance, allowing their doctor to select the most genetically viable option. So, is preimplantation genetic testing good for you? The following are some facts you should know:
The Testing Screens for Specific Diseases
The good thing about preimplantation genetic testing is that it screens embryos for specific genetic diseases. If you or your partner have had a history of congenital disease in your family or are carriers of genetic disease and want to conduct an embryo diagnosis for that condition, the test should be helpful. Your doctor will be able to select the suitable embryo for implantation and minimize the chances of your offspring getting that genetic disease.
Who is a perfect candidate for preimplantation genetic testing?
While the guidelines for who is viable and not for this genetic testing it is still under consideration, ideally women who would benefit from the tests for embryos include:
· Women 38 years or older and those who are using IVF to conceive
· Women who have gone through repeated IVF failures and are looking for a way to see why the embryos are not implanting or why they are experiencing miscarriages
· Women that have experienced several miscarriages, three or more in a row
· Any couple that suspects or is aware they carry genes for severe medical conditions would like screening to choose healthy embryos ahead of time. It minimizes the chances of passing the undesired genes to the offspring.
Even after preimplantation genetic testing, embryos are not sure to implant.
While the screening identifies the chromosomally normal embryos and allows transferring them to the uterus, there is no guarantee there will be implantation. In some cases, a chromosomally normal embryo might fail to implant or miscarry even when it is not because of genetic make-up. Other factors could cause miscarriage or implantation failure, and there is hardly anything you can do to stop it.
Cost of Preimplantation Testing
Generally, the costs are in addition to those of the IVF cycle and various medications for fertility. Some of the expenses include cell biopsy cost at the IVF lab, ranging from around $1500 – $3,000, and costs charged by the genetic testing provider, which are about $1,000 to $3,500, but it depends on how many embryos get tested. The prices will massively depend on where you get the testing from, but the above estimates are what to expect.
If you are trying to conceive, you will take massive measures to be successful. You must make sure you understand everything about preimplantation genetic testing to understand what to expect. The above facts should act as a guideline to help you make the right decisions.