Four Reasons for Seeing a Cosmetic Dermatologist

The skincare market in the US continues to grow as more people wish to correct skin problems with non-invasive cosmetic procedures. No matter how great your skincare routine is, you are still prone to skin problems like age spots, wrinkling, and irregular tone. Your trusted cosmetic dermatology in Westport has helped many patients regain a healthy and youthful glow after treatment. There are many reasons for seeing a cosmetic dermatologist as follows:

Treating chronic acne

You may have developed a bad case of acne during adolescence, leaving you with many pimples and spots that made you conscious of your looks. Some people get lucky, and acne clears out upon entering adulthood, but the unlucky ones continue to be affected by hormonal fluctuations. Extreme acne leaves you with whiteheads, blackheads, and deep cysts that won’t go away. There are specialized treatments for clearing up these pimples and preventing more breakouts in the future.

A chemical peel is removing the top layers of the skin by applying a chemical solution. The skin regenerates itself, and the newer skin is suppler with a youthful appearance. This treatment is ideal for getting rid of skin discoloration and scars on the face after several treatments. More severe skin problems require deeper chemical peels to achieve dramatic results.

Managing Psoriasis

Psoriasis is associated with a weakened immune system, making skin cells develop faster than usual and then pile up on the surface. These unsightly patches are known as plaques, and they are often reddish and have silver-like scales on the face, legs, knees, and scalp.

Psoriasis is itchy and very uncomfortable to live with without proper intervention. Diagnosing this chronic condition is done by observing a skin sample under a microscope. After using creams, to no avail, excimer laser treatment is your best bet for getting rid of these awful patches. The dermatologist aims the laser directly at these plaques, giving you a snapping sensation, but it only takes a few minutes.

Laser treatment is ideal for patients with mild-to-moderate psoriasis, which does not spread across large parts of the body. Unfortunately, this procedure only gets rid of plaques and not the disease itself.

Reducing excess fat

You could have struggled with a muffin top since having kids or after gaining weight at one point in your life. Cosmetic dermatologists are adept at handling skin problems beyond facial issues. Liposuction and laser treatments can remove excess fat and tighten up sagging skin around your stomach, thighs, arms, or back. Successful treatment will leave you feeling more confident and trying a more comprehensive array of clothing designs without inhibitions.

Eradicating varicose veins

If you have visible varicose or spider veins, a dermatologist can recommend the appropriate laser treatment to get rid of these discolorations or remove them by injecting a chemical solution. These interventions will be coupled with lifestyle choices like daily walking and also wearing compression stockings.

Cosmetic dermatologists can help patients suffering from many skin-related issues that other interventions would otherwise not solve. See your doctor as soon as you notice something is amiss so they can recommend treatment in good time.

