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How to – Finally! — Conquer Time Management

Time management. We spend a lot of time talking about it. We know how important it is. Yet it’s difficult to actually conquer it.

It’s pretty fascinating to look at some people who tend to accomplish a lot in one day, while others find it challenging to make progress. So, what’s the secret?

That secret — and really, it’s no secret — is their ability to master time management. The good news…you can conquer time management, too! And we’ve put together some actionable tips to help you out.

Tip #1 – Learn to Prioritize

The best way to waste time is to tackle things as they come. Just because you’re asked to do something doesn’t mean it’s the most important thing on your list. Learn to look at each task and give it a priority. Ask yourself a few questions:

  • Is it urgent and important? If so, do it immediately.
  • Is it important but not urgent? Plan a time to do it.
  • Is it unimportant and not urgent? Consider whether you need to do it at all.

Tip #2 – Know When You’re Most Productive

One of the most important key tricks to finally mastering time management is recognizing that you’re unique in getting things done. While someone else might get up at 5 a.m. and accomplish a lot, that might not work for someone who functions better in the afternoon. Some individuals like having some background noise, while others work best in silence.

The main point is to realize when and in what environment you’re most productive. Planning your work around this time can help you get more of your best work done in a shorter amount of time.

Tip #3 – Map Out Your Day

If you don’t start your day with a plan, someone else will help you put together a game plan, whether it’s your boss, your colleagues, or your family. Mapping out your schedule can help you know your main focus for the day. That way, you’re sure to accomplish the most important things on your list. 

One of the best times to plan out your to-do list is the late afternoon or evening. Then you’ll be best prepared to move tasks around and make decisions that’ll help you manage your time and be productive the next day.

Tip #4 – Stop Multitasking

Multitasking seems like a win, but it really makes time management worse. In fact, studies show that multitasking can lead to negative effects that come from switching around to different projects. Because we’re switching from task to task, mental demand increases, resulting in a slower working pace. Think you’re an amazing multitasker? A study also found that only a tiny percentage (about 2%) of the population can actually multitask effectively.

Tip #5 – Dare to Delegate

You can’t completely avoid busywork, but you do need to keep it to a minimum. Learning to delegate tasks is an essential part of mastering time management. Things run smoothest when you spend most of your time doing what you’re good at, so if a task isn’t really in your skillset, pass it along to someone who’s best qualified to do it.

Remember, delegation isn’t being lazy or a failure. People who are overachievers often fail to delegate because they don’t want to admit they don’t have time or the skills to complete a task. But learning how to delegate when needed can significantly improve your time management.

Tip #6 – Make Daily Living Tasks (Like Mealprep) Easier

Some people only think of work when they consider time management. But daily living tasks also deserve a look when you’re working to do a better job at managing your time. What daily living tasks can you automate or delegate? Meal delivery services are the answer to one of the biggest time sucks in your day – meal prep. Everyone needs to eat, but do you have time to shop, prep, and cook meals? Going with a meal delivery service can take a daily living task that sucks up a lot of time by making it easier and giving you that time back so you can focus on some downtime or family time.

Tip #7 – Take Time for Breaks

Not every second of the day needs to be scheduled. Finding time for breaks, whether it’s for a walk to clear your head, some time to relax with your family, or spending time engaging in a hobby, is essential. You may even want to take one day a week where you don’t schedule things and go with the flow. Breaks help you recharge, prevent burnout, and ensure you’re at your best the rest of the time.

If you’re someone who works long hours and needs to get a handle on your productivity, time management may be the answer. Time management is a struggle, and it takes time to figure out what works for you. So don’t get frustrated; start with a few of the above tips and go from there!