A robust wellness regimen has a variety of activities that can improve both your mental and physical wellbeing.
Balanced meals, water intake, a healthy sleeping plan, and daily exercise routines are just some of the staples of these kinds of self-help programs people create for themselves. Even during lockdown, people have been getting active and putting their best foot forward. Ultimately, there’s nothing that can sour a wonderful wellness regimen.
Cycling is a great addition to any such routine, because it’s a solitary and versatile pastime that can bolster your fitness greatly. But how you can incorporate this activity into your own regimen seamlessly? Well, here are some ways that you can do just that.
Get Ready
If you’re going to do something, you should do it properly – and that goes double in the wellness regimen side of things.
First purchase your preferred bike, then get coverage. Tedious paperwork might seem a bit inconvenient when all you want to do is get out there and feel the wind whipping past you as you speed around. However, bicycles can be expensive, so it’s important you have all the necessary safeguards in check, like bicycle insurance. Companies like Velosurance will make sure you’re covered against theft, loss, damage and more, so they too have your wellbeing in mind.
Additionally, all the proper safety gear such as comfortable clothing, helmets, and kneepads are ideal investments also. If you’re cycling will be taking place at time, then fluorescent clothing like hi vis jackets are vital, as are lights at the front and rear of the bicycle. Get equipped, and you’re ready for anything.
You can even purchase a saddlebag, and therein you can store any essentials like medication, phones, cash and tools. That way, you can more easily integrate cycling into your daily routine and put some flexibility around the way in which you use your equipment. Whether it’s a commute to work or you’re nipping to the shops, your essentials are never too far away. If you are a little further than you would like, you may want to consider looking into an electric road bike too. After all, you’ll already have experience with a push bike so you’ll get the hang of it in no time!
Bring a Loved One
Most things are better if you bring a loved one, and cycling is no different!
Whether they’re a beginner or a veteran of the saddle, including friends and family in your wellness program can do wonders for morale. You can spur each other on, track one another’s progress, and ultimately just keep each other company during the grind. In the case of cycling, you and your companion could share many wonderful adventures together.
In other words, cycling can be a great bonding experience. Mutual interests and positive reinforcement are the building blocks for all good relationships, so injecting some of that into your efforts will work wonders.
Build Momentum
Building momentum is essential in any kind of physical activity, not only in terms of your literal speed but also in how you ease the activity into your existing lifestyle.
During the first lockdown there was a bicycling boom in interest and sales both, as many people took to the streets and parks to give their new wheels a spin. While it’s undoubtedly tempting to launch yourself into the latest craze full throttle, easing yourself into it instead will yield the best results for your wellness regimen.
If you hit the cycling too hard without any prior experience, you’ll be pulling muscles, aching painfully, and frankly not getting the best out of your workout. This activity builds muscles in the calf and thigh areas particularly, so even if you lift dumbbells, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re ready to hit the cycling hard. Therefore, the best way forward is to make sure your body has time to acclimatise to the change in activities that you’re going through.
At the start, stick to level and smooth terrain, and avoid longer distance travels for now. Planning your route in this fashion will enable you to gradually increase the challenge as time goes on, and your fitness will then improve steadily at the healthiest rate. There are no shortcuts when it comes to health, so pacing yourself properly is key.
Follow the Rules
Cycling can be incredibly liberating, but it’s important not to get overwhelmed by the excitement and lose sight of your good judgment.
In more than a few respects, cyclists have rules to follow just like motorists do. It’s important to keep them in mind and to take them just as seriously as your wellness objectives.
Public spaces are shared areas, so it’s important that you handle your bike the right way not only for your wellness, but for other’s wellbeing too. After all, in 2015 it was reported that cycling accidents and injuries were on the rise, and the hobby has only become more popular since. The past time can be quite solitary in a therapeutic sense, but it’s important to remain attentive.
If you’re riding among traffic, then communication with road users is incredibly important too. Signaling your turnings, and likewise watching for the driver’s signals, will help to keep you and others safe and happy while you’re out there.