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Must-Have Facts for Every Athlete

Sports are a positive and gratifying activity for both professional and amateur athletes. Sports, however, contain the danger of injury. Luckily, you can continue enjoying your hobby indefinitely with professional help. If you seek solutions for sports medicine in Shadow Creek Ranch, Crom Rehabilitation experts have every necessary tools and experience to ensure your healing process is quick and effective. Call or book online today to understand the benefits of sport-specific rehabilitation.

What Is Sport-Specific Recovery Training?

When you are hurt, you cannot know how long you will be out of the game, how long your healing will take, and what things you can do while recovering. Crom Rehabilitation’s experts can address these issues and develop a plan for recovery through sport-specific training.

Your physical therapist formulates an individualized treatment plan that includes therapies that help you regain the strength, movement, and skills necessary for your sport. This form of sport-specific therapy accelerates healing, shortens recovery time, and reduces your risk of reinjury or lasting complications.

How Is My Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Regimen Designed?

Crom Rehabilitation delivers an outstanding sport-specific recovery program that begins with evaluating your injury and current capabilities. Your team assesses the extent of injury, your range of motion, and how your injury impacts your ability to excel in your specific sport.

Once they determine your current physical condition, they build a physical therapy plan that addresses your injury and renovates your body based on your future activity goals.

Your program builds a progressive path back to your goals, whether you need the functional skills to get back to walking or you seek to regain peak physical performance and resume competitive sports.

When developing your sport-specific recovery program, your physical therapist takes into account elements such as:

·         Skill level

·         Sport or activity

·         Requirements for your sport

·         Type of injury

·         Amount of swelling and pain

·         Current stage of tissue healing

The physical therapy team collaborates with you to guarantee that your sport-specific rehabilitation program addresses all of the aforementioned difficulties.

What Happens During My Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Program?

Athletes push their capabilities to the limit to reach peak performance. As a result, they are extremely upset by the restrictions set by an injury.

Crom Rehabilitation recognizes and shares the desire of athletes to return to the game as soon as possible. On the other hand, a mismanaged injury and returning to play before your body is ready leads to reinjuries and progressive complications that can keep you down indefinitely.

Your team systematically handles your healing to ensure you restore optimal strength, function, and mobility. Initially, your specialists concentrate on pain management and passive exercises that reduce inflammation while maintaining basic movement. They then work their way up to range-of-motion, strength, and flexibility workouts.

As your rehabilitation advances, your physical therapist increases the intensity and includes exercises and physical therapy regimens that resemble your athletic activities. Doing so in a controlled environment ensures a safe and clean recovery.

Call or use the online booking tool today to learn more about sports medicine at Crom Rehabilitation or to arrange an appointment.