My Lifestyle

My lifestyle has changed a lot since I quit work and come home with Seb.

Working from home is something I never really considered before but after doing it, especially now with a young baby, I couldn’t imagine working in a normal 9-5 office environment ever again.

Being a Mum

Its true what they say, nothing you prepares you for motherhood quite like having a baby thrust into your arms and walking out of the hospital.

It’s a revolutionary journey that really makes you appreciate your family to the full, especially your mum. There is no love like a mother’s and I’ve really connected with my own mum since giving birth, I think you just understand a lot more.

Living with Lindsey - my lifestyle

Don’t get me wrong, motherhood is tiring, exhausting and sometimes makes you want to scream but the good outweighs the bad and the sleepless nights will come to an end and your baby will grow up before you’re even ready.

We’re very fortunate that I’m able to stay home with Seb and Marc’s parents are just 10 minutes away so we’ve always got help on hand which is an incredible help. (just never take them for granted)

Working for Yourself

Working for yourself is a tough transition. Being able to fill the days, not having a guaranteed income and focusing are things I’m still adjusting too.

Being able to manage your own time really is a blessing and can make life a whole lot easier. You don’t have to join to rat race in rush hour every morning, you can go to the gym at 3 pm when its empty and you can go shopping on Monday opposed to a Saturday.

Its all about balance though and you have to take work seriously and make sure you’re still giving it you all even if Corrie is on in the background.

Living with Lindsey - my lifestyle
Making Time for You

The biggest hurdle I’ve faced since becoming a mum and self-employed is finding the time for myself.

From soaking in a hot bath to going for a drink with the girls, I am always finding excuses as to why I’m too busy and it’s really not good for you. I’m pretty strict with my time and ensure I only work for 6 hours a day and literally time myself whenever I sit down.

When my six hours are up I know I get to chill out and do whatever else I like without feeling guilty.

Living with Lindsey - my lifestyle

Marc has been an incredible advocate for forcing me to still enjoy myself and is always encouraging me to go out for a coffee with the girls, take a night off or even go to the cinema.