Gum disease can adversely affect the soft tissues and the bones supporting the teeth and could lead to tooth loss. Although gum disease is common, it can be prevented through proper oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist. You can seek the services of Monterey gum disease experts who will help significantly improve the chances of overcoming the condition. The dentists will ensure that you do not get recurring gum disease once they have diagnosed and treated your condition.
Signs of Gum Disease
Healthy gums are firm and fit snugly to the teeth, but people with gum disease could have swollen and puffy gums. You might have bright red, purplish, or dusky red lips which could be tender to touch. Moreover, your teeth can easily bleed, and your toothbrush could be pink-tinged after brushing. You may also notice blood gushing from the gums after brushing, and you may spit out blood after flossing the teeth. There could be the presence of pus between the teeth and the gums, and this could lead to pain when chewing. You may also experience bad breath, new spaces developing between the teeth, and eventually, result in teeth loss.
What Causes Gum Disease?
· Plaque
The plaque that forms on the surface of the teeth could predispose you to gum disease, and it is prudent to brush your teeth after eating to reduce the amount of food present on the teeth. The food on the teeth could be attacked by bacteria present in the mouth, forming plaque that could attack the gums.
· Tartar
Plaque that accumulates on the teeth could form tartar, which is difficult to brush off and could adversely affect your teeth and gum as they harbor bacteria, which could cause infections. You should see a dentist who will help you get rid of tartar on your teeth.
· Gingivitis
Gingivitis is a mild infection that can lead to gum disease; the condition irritates and causes swelling on the gingiva part of the teeth. You can reverse gingivitis with professional treatment and home oral care.
· Gum inflammation
Inflammation of the gums could result in the development of pockets between the gums and the teeth, which can fill with plaque and bacteria which cause gum disease. The pockets could become more rooted and fill with more bacteria, and when left untreated, it could result in tooth loss.
When to See a Dentist
It is prudent to see a dentist immediately when you have tartar and suspect a gum disease infection. Moreover, one should undertake regular visits to the dentist semi-annually and ensure that you adhere to proper oral hygiene. The sooner you start treatment, the higher chance of reversing gum disease. Moreover, a doctor could identify factors that could predispose you to gum disease, which include heavy smoking, dry mouth, and taking certain medications.
The Bottom Line
Gum disease results from a bacterial infection, which causes inflammation and softening of the gums. The disease could lead to gum bleeding, bad breath, and loss of teeth, but this condition can be reversed when you get adequate treatment. Moreover, you can prevent the disease by adhering to a proper oral health routine.