Probable Causes of Jaw Pain and Effective Management

When you have jaw pain, you may have trouble eating and even talking effectively. Getting a highly qualified endodontist in Fair Oaks is a click away to help you manage your jaw pain. Don’t let jaw pain in Fair Oaks limit you from living a pain-free life.

Do not assume the trigger of your jaw pain, as there are several possible causes. Consult your dentist who will evaluate you and offer the best diagnosis for treatment.

1. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD)

The temporomandibular joints help your mouth to function effectively through rotation and sliding. When you have an infection causing inflammation and pain to the joints, you develop TMJD.

2. Teeth Grinding

When you have a panic attack and grind your teeth as a way of managing your anxiety, it becomes habitual. It could potentially extend to the times when youre sleeping as well, making it a problem that leads to other issues, such as Square Jaw, scalloped tongue, migraines, tension headaches, and more. The force exerts unnecessary pressure on your jaw, which can cause pain, and in some cases, alter the shape of your face. In addition to that, the teeth grinding and jaw clenching activities will weaken your teeth surface and wear out your enamel over time.

3. Teeth Infection

When you develop teeth infection, known as an abscess, your teeth accumulate puss at the central location. As a result, you may experience intense jaw pain with the bacterial infection.

4. Pericoronitis

Also known as the infection to your wisdom teeth, jaw pain is eminent when you have it. The breaking out of wisdom teeth can cause effects ranging from discomfort to acute pain. In some cases, it can get infected, which becomes debilitating if left be. Such a predicament often results in the damage of surrounding teeth, for which a wisdom teeth removal procedure becomes necessary.

5. Tension Headache

When you constantly have tension headaches, you are bound to experience jaw pain. Consequently, extreme muscle tightness in your head or neck region will aggravate the pain. Tension headaches can happen because of extreme anxiety. If you deal with chronic anxiety, it might be advisable to speak to a psychiatrist about availing therapy or taking medication. Based on your symptoms, they might prescribe medication like xanax, or a similar pill which is known to relieve the symptoms of anxiety. In order to find the most affordable means of procuring the medication, you could find out the street price xanax. Reducing stress and anxiety could also decrease the tension and tightness around your neck significantly, so fixing the issue of jaw pain at its cause would be the best way to solve the problem.

6. Jaw Dislocation

Jaw dislocation happens when your lower jaws, known as mandibles, become loose from the bone formation at the backside of your head.

7. Jaw Pain Management

It is crucial to schedule an appointment with your dentist when you have jaw pain. Most importantly, always inform your dentist if the jaw pain is severe, and you have accompanying chest pains. Your dentist will place you on a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory prescription while identifying the root cause of your condition.

Additionally, it is essential to avoid foodstuffs that are proving difficult to chew as it will only worsen the pain. You can also integrate the application of a hot or cold pack to alleviate your pain.

It is crucial to avoid teeth grinding at all costs, whether you are awake or asleep. A good way to manage this habit is to implement stress management techniques or use a mouthguard when you go to sleep. Moreover, you can avoid poor sitting positions, which can strain your head, neck, and even jaw muscles, causing pain.

Another efficient remedy you can implement is a physical therapy, which stretches and strengthens your muscles around your jaw area.

When you experience tooth pain, a popping sensation, or difficulty in chewing foodstuff, inform your dentist. You may also have tender inflammation around your neck. Additionally, never ignore the jaw pain as it could be a sign of an underlying severe condition.

