Risk Factors and Treatments for Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common issue facing people. Research suggests that forty percent of men start experiencing hair loss by the time they are thirty-five years old. Hair loss had no solution for a long time, but the efforts of scientists found a solution for people that experience hair loss or baldness.

Visit Dr. Marcia A. Harris, a hair loss expert at The Wellness Restoration Center. There is no need to deal with hair loss at a very young age. The hair loss experts give every person a chance to maintain their youthful looks by treating hair loss. Here are the risk factors for hair loss and the various treatments.

Risk Factors for Hair Loss

Not every person is affected by hair loss before the expected time. However, some people are at a higher risk of experiencing hair loss at a very young age. The following are some conditions that may put you at a higher risk of experiencing hair loss:

·         Stress- The condition of hair loss as a result of stress is known as Telogen effluvium.  Stress experienced by an individual pushes hair follicles which inhibit the growth of new hair strands. Hair starts falling out sometimes due to the condition.

·         Poor nutrition- If you fail to take in the proper nutrition, you may start experiencing hair loss. Diet restrictions inhibit the body from acquiring essential nutrients such as zinc, protein, and fatty acids. Such nutrients are essential in hair development, and failure to take them may cause hair thinning and hair loss.

·         Medical problems- If you experience medical problems like cancer, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart problems, or depression, you may start experiencing hair loss. If you experience any conditions, you need to visit a medical expert to avoid the risk of early or abnormal hair loss.

·         Medications- There are specific medications that cause hair loss to many individuals all around the world. When undergoing some treatments, the doctor may administer medication that potentially interferes with the average scalp hair growth. Some of the drugs you may be administered and cause hair loss include antidepressants, high blood pressure medications, and birth control pills. The use of steroids or undergoing chemotherapy may cause hair loss.

·         Hereditary causes- Your actions do not cause all factors that may cause you to experience hair loss. The reason why you are losing hair may be caused by your genetics.  Your lineage may have an issue with hair loss at a younger age.  Hair loss as a result of hereditary causes are inevitable.


There is nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to hair loss. Specific treatments can be performed to counter hair loss.

·         Hair transplant surgery-  A hair transplant is very effective for people that have permanent baldness.

·         Minoxidil- Doctors can recommend the use of minoxidil to maximize hair growth in the areas where hair loss occurs.

Visit a Hair Loss Expert Today

You do not have to face hair loss considering the various medications available in the medical field. The hair loss experts in The Wellness Restoration Center will provide the proper treatment you need to end hair loss.

