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Tips For Newly Engaged Couples

You are soon to be married–congrats! This is a big change. Whether you have moved in with your significant other or not, being officially married can be much different than being in a relationship. You have agreed to tie the knot, and hope to stay together forever. We have planned some tips for newly engaged couples to help you navigate those first steps–and the planning process in general.

Get The Big Conversations Out Of The Way First

Budget, wedding size, location. Those are three big things that will matter, come wedding day. Don’t put these off, it will help you plan the rest of the wedding if you have this figured out. Look for budget tools, like excel sheets to help you decide how you want to decide your money between vendors and venues. You will be very happy you had this conversation early on.

Don’t Assume You Are The Only One Who Can Choose

Don’t assume you know what the other person wants. It is common to think that men don’t care about wedding planning and how it’s done. This is simply not true. This is a big day for both of you, and you should have equal say in the matter. A good way to start is to make separate lists of your priorities for the wedding day. Communicate those with each other and try to prioritize the things that you both want. You may have to come to a compromise, or you will both be able to get what you want! Either way, you should leave the conversation feeling heard and seen.

Budget Well

Both of you should contribute to the wedding. There are many things that are unexpectedly expensive or little details that you may forget. For example, you will need a cute wedding program to send to all your friends and family. You may want a design that incorporates the theme of your wedding and ceremony details. Details like a wedding program or florals are things you will want to make sure you add to your budget. Make sure you consider the bridal wear, bridesmaids’ dresses, and groom’s suit into the budget. You should also find a photographer who fits your budget. You will want to ensure you have adequate time to save for your wedding. A typical engagement is about 15 months. Within this time, you can save, plan, and budget.

Don’t Forget The Honeymoon

You may be so wrapped up in planning the wedding, you will forget that you need to plan a honeymoon as well. Discuss details with your partner. Is there somewhere you have always wanted to go? Tulum, Italy, or Peru? Find a spot that you both agree on and can cherish the memories. Looking back, you will want to remember your first getaway officially married for a long time– so choose wisely!

Engagement Photos Are A Must

Taking engagement photos is one of those things that every couple should do. It also gives you a chance to bond with your Tampa Wedding Photographer before the big day, and get comfortable with how they work and the type of shots you are likely to get on the wedding day. An engagement session is a fun, informal way to celebrate just the two of you. Not only that, but you can use the photos for your website or Instagram to show off this exciting time to all your loved ones!

Involve Your Wedding Planner As Early As Possible

If you decide to hire a wedding planner, we recommend they are one of the first vendors you hire and that you can involve in decision making from the get-go. That way they understand you as a couple and know what your budget is. Wedding planners are great for staying organized and helping you make your wedding vision come true. They also have so much knowledge and prior experience with vendors and legal matters, whereas you will be coming in blind. If you decided to hire a wedding planner later, no worries–just keep them in the loop and catch them up on the decisions you have already made.

Wedding Jitters Are Normal

If you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and maybe even a little scared–don’t worry. All these feelings are normal and you shouldn’t think you are crazy. Although weddings and engagement season are exciting, it should be noted that you will also feel overwhelmed and stressed. Not only that, but you are making a big change soon–you are about to commit to someone who is very serious. It is okay to mourn your old apartment or pre-engagement life while all this is going on! There are so many changes and events taking place that you should be kind to yourself.