What Is GERD and When to Visit a Reflux Specialist in Buckhead?

Anti-reflux surgery is conducted to treat GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. It is a medical condition where the stomach acid flows backward from the stomach to the esophagus (the tube from the mouth to the stomach). Acid reflux occurs often if the esophagus does not meet tightly with the stomach. If you suffer from a hiatal hernia, then the GERD symptoms can worsen.

Peachtree Surgical & Bariatric clinic has the best GERD/reflux specialist in BuckheadYou can schedule an appointment with the team if you are struggling with symptoms like:

  • Stomach burn 
  • Heartburn
  • Burning sensation in the chest or throat
  • Trouble swallowing fluids or food
  • Gas bubbles or burping

The burning in the chest or throat is felt soon after you have your meals or lie down. When food is swallowed, it passes through the esophagus tube into the stomach. The stomach has potent hydrochloric acid that starts to digest the food. There is a group of muscles called the Lower Esophageal Sphincter [L-E-S] between the esophagus and stomach that clamps down. The stomach contents are prevented from moving upwards and burning the esophagus lining. When these muscle groups do not clamp down sufficiently, there is a backwash, which causes the burning called GERD. 

GERD causes

  • Overweight
  • Drinking excessive alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Pregnancy
  • Foods like peppermint or chocolate

How to determine GERD?

The doctor prescribes an endoscopy checkup of the upper part to check the stomach and esophagus to diagnose acid reflux issues. Other tests can measure acid levels and pressure levels in the esophagus. Even blood in the stool indicates GERD.

How is GERD treated naturally?

GERD can be treated with lifestyle changes.

  • Avoid oily and spicy foods.
  • Avoid consuming large meals.
  • Try to lose a little weight if you are obese.
  • Elevate the head side of your bed around 5 to 6 inches placing wooden blocks below. Gravity can help. 

If the symptoms persist, then consult your doctor. The doctor can suggest OTC antacids or strong medications. 

Fortunately, GERD condition does not need surgery. If the case is worse, then a laparoscopic procedure is performed to tighten the vulnerable L-E-S muscle group. When the heartburn is frequent and you are frustrated to take medications, then the doctor will suggest surgery.  

Hiatal hernia is a condition where the hole in the diaphragm is big and allows stomach content to slip in your chest opening. Thus the heartburn symptoms worsen. If you are struggling with ulcers in the esophagus, the doctor will recommend fundoplication surgery to repair the hiatal hernia. It is a surgery conducted under general anesthesia. The hernia is patched with stitches and the diaphragm hole is tightened to keep the stomach from bulging inside. Make sure to understand the dos and don’ts associated with fundoplication anti-reflux surgery. 

