Adults and children alike should get yearly physicals to evaluate their overall health. If the patient is not treated for a chronic illness or similar malady, a standard evaluation along with a set of tests usually covers the visit. A doctor may also prescribe added yearly physicals if need be and set up an additional visit with an Atlanta pediatric neurologist.
An adult physical will start with a doctor asking questions about lifestyle; at that time, a person can address any health concerns they might have. This simple exchange between patient and doctor will guide the exam if there are problems. This conversation also allows the doctor to check for any memory or mental issues. They use a general glance over to check the skin, standing or walking may be a part of this segment. Much of this is to diagnose any abnormalities that compromise muscle movement as well as over posture. Many patients with posture or movement concerns may notice difficulty after spinal injuries or similar muscular problems.
Next, the vitals are checked; it usually starts off with taking the temperature. While 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is considered normal, temperatures can be around that and be normal. Blood pressure and heart rate are taken at this time. The method of taking temperature by oral thermometers varies based on considerations such as age. Another choice could be the rectal thermometer if a more accurate reading is necessary. Some practitioners consider an ear based thermometer for children or babies. Respiration is a concern at this point-when respiration is over 20 breaths per minute.
The doctor will examine other areas of the body to ensure a thorough approach. They start by listening to the heart and lungs; through the stethoscope, a doctor can hear if there is wheezing or problems with the heart. Next, they move to the ears and throat while looking for anything out of the normal. The abdomen is inspected for irregularities by gently pressing on the abdomen or listening with the stethoscope for unusual sounds.
Blood and urine are taken for tests. Some of the biggest issues could be discovered during this time such as cholesterol and blood count. These tests also look for diabetes, a major illness that has grown in numbers throughout the United States. The urinalysis takes a urine sample and analyzes it for a range of standard issues.
Men and women have slightly different exams. Men can expect to be checked for hernias. Also, the testicles and penis are examined for infection and changes such as lumps. The prostate exam looks for any changes to the overall structure. Women can expect a pelvic exam to check the area as well as a pap test; there will also be a breast exam. At this time, the doctor may refer a woman to her gynecologist or set up a mammogram among several options. Women who do not currently have a gynecologist can get a referral at this time.
A physical exam acts as one of the best preventative care options available. Patients should always work with their doctor to establish a yearly schedule or scheduled exams to keep up with a variety of conditions. It can be the difference between spotting a condition in time or facing more severe treatment options after missed opportunities.