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What Physio Therapy Entails

Physical therapy has to do with treatments that focus on the management and prevention of disabilities and injuries. Physical therapy is also effective when it comes to promoting healing, relieving pain, and restoring function and movement. This treatment technique is usually practiced by qualified physical therapists who can be found at the like of Pursue Physical Therapy (look for Pursue PT on the web to locate the firm).

Remember that these practitioners have specialized training in conservative management of orthopedic, cardiovascular, and neurological conditions. Therefore, if you are suffering from chronic pain, you can talk to your doctor about the possibility of seeking the services of a Ramsey physical therapy practitioner.

How Physical Therapy Works

Physical therapists, like the ones available at, have the know-how to treat pain and even the source of pain. They look for areas with stiffness or weakness that could be aggregating the stress on an area that is hurting. They then subject those areas to specific exercises to reduce pain and enhance movement or function. A physical therapy session may include one or a mix of the following:

Low Impact Aerobic Exercise

These workouts seek to improve the heart rate without putting unnecessary pressure on joints and muscles. It may involve walking at a moderate pace or riding a stationary bike instead of jogging or running.

Strengthening Exercise

These exercises involve putting your muscles and joints at work to make them stronger. This can be done by the use of machines found at your therapist’s office or even resistance bands. You can also use your own weight as in squats, sit-ups, and push-ups. Your physical therapist will advise you on what is right for you, depending on your condition.


Stretching is usually done gently. Your therapist will ensure that you are warmed up adequately, and you do not stretch too far. Stretching is usually important in getting rid of stiffness and improving movement.

Pain Relief Exercises

These moves usually target the areas that are hurting to make them stronger and more flexible. As such, these exercises can make your life easier.


Massages provided by non-professionals may not necessarily offer relief. However, massages provided by a physical therapist for the purpose of relieving pain are not only safe but also helpful.

Other Treatments

Other methods used by physical therapists to relieve pain include ice packs, heat packs, TENS, and Ultrasounds, among others.

Does it Hurt?

Physical therapy is offered by professionals, and ordinarily, it should be safe and painless. However, since you are going to use parts of your body that are hurting, the exercises can be challenging. For instance, you may feel sore after a deep tissue massage or stretching.

The Takeaway

Overall, it is apparent that the services of physical therapists cannot be overlooked when it comes to treating chronic pain, preventing injuries, and promoting healing. Physical therapists apply conservative methods in helping patients with neurological, orthopedic, and cardiovascular issues. If you are looking for a reliable physical therapist in Ramsey, NJ, Progressive Spine & Sports Medicine is an excellent facility to visit. Their professionals have many years of extensive training and experience, and you can count on them to offer professional physical therapy services.