Why You Should Seek Medical Attention When You Have Constipation

Most people have trouble with healthy elimination at some point in their lives. If you have irregular bowel movements, this should not worry you. Usually, this condition goes away on its own after a few days after you try some remedies for relief. However, if this condition persists and your bowel movements fail for a few days, you need to see a doctor. Your doctor will be able to diagnose to know the cause and offer appropriate treatment and further guidance. Normally, constipation occurs when there is not enough water in your stool that allows it to move through the intestines. This condition may be uncomfortable and painful, and may indicate the presence of a gastrointestinal problem. Your experts of constipation in San Antonio at Digestive & Liver Disease Center can help if you are struggling with this condition.

When should I see the doctor for constipation?

Suppose you are having difficulties in bowel movements despite remedies at home. Though it is not dangerous, it is appropriate to call a doctor for help. Seek medical attention if:

You experience an interfered level of consciousness (fainting)

Dark, tar-like, and bloody stool

Difficulty in breathing

Bloated stomach

High fever

Stomach pain

Abnormal heartbeat


Jaundice, that is, yellowing of the skin or the whites of your eyes

It is important to go for an early medical check-up when you experience constipation. If you do not go for treatment, it may cause further problems such as rectal prolapse or hemorrhoids.

What should I expect when I visit the doctor?

When you visit your doctor, he/she will conduct a physical examination and ask you questions regarding your health. Your doctor may ask how frequently you have normal bowel movements when constipation started, and if you strain while passing stool. Your doctor will also ask if you have experienced blood in your stool, your family and personal medical history, and the medications you are currently using, among other important questions. He or she might also suggest using magnesium based supplements as it’s commonly used for constipation.

What are signs that I am constipated?

Pain in the stomach



Difficulty in bowel movement

Less stool than normal

Struggling while passing stool

Lumpy or hard stool

What are the complications of constipation?

Although constipation is not dangerous, this condition can cause you discomfort. It can cause further complications if left untreated. It may also indicate the presence of an underlying health issue. Complications as a result of serious constipation include:

Rectal prolapse: a situation where the intestines push out through the anus due to struggling

Bleeding in the rectum

Anal fissure


A dry mass of stool becomes stuck in the rectum, leading to fecal impaction

Seek medical attention before constipation causes you problems. When you visit your doctor, be free to ask any questions, like how frequently you should be going to the bathroom, how soon you will recover, and if you may require further medical help. Your doctor will be able to discuss the treatment options and how to prevent constipation. Keep in touch with your doctor while following instructions and consult them in case of any arising issue.

